R. Ramiro Barcelos, 1201/707. Porto Alegre, RS.


Procedural and Evidence Law viewed from an evidentiary reasoning standpoint

Vast experience in complex litigation along with a solid technical and academic background





What is Evidentiary Reasoning??

Evidentiary reasoning is the kind of reasoning we use to learn about the “world out there”, aiming to determine whether a statement or hypothesis is true or false. It is used in many fields, including science, physics, medicine, engineering, and so on, where assessing and interpreting data and information is necessary to find out what happened or what typically happens in a given situation.

Evidentiary reasoning involves being concerned about knowing which pieces of evidence are relevant to prove a fact, how they should and can be produced, as well as knowing how to assess and evaluate them critically, taking into account their reliability and their probative value, among other aspects. In other words, it includes analysing the sources and the means of evidence, assessing how trustworthy they are, and considering possible alternate explanations for the data at hand.

For a long time, Brazilian law and legal practice were detached from evidentiary reasoning in that there were few effective debates in court as to the admissibility and quality of evidence, how evidence is to be produced, and how to evaluate evidence separately and jointly. Fortunately, however, this reality has changed in recent years, now requiring that legal practitioners, and especially the law in general, adopt solutions that heed evidentiary reasoning.

And yet, if on the one hand the law is getting closer to other branches of knowledge, on the other hand, it involves specificities and theoretical issues that demand precise and highly specialized knowledge and expertise. It is exactly here in this context that evidentiary reasoning relates to procedural law and, more specifically, to the law of evidence, i.e., the theory and practice concerning the admission, production and evaluation of evidence before, during and after a legal proceeding.


Theoretical knowledge aligned with practical experience to seek complex solutions for partners and clients

Combining high-level training and practical experience

Solving complex matters

Evidentiary reasoning the service of tprocessol proceeding

Legal opinions on evidentiary matters

Proof is a cross-cutting theme in the legal world. Thus, we work with partners from the most diverse legal areas and with our clients to develop legal opinions for cases involving a considerable degree of evidentiary and procedural complexity.


Issues related to the relevance, legality, constitutionality, and minimum reliability of the evidence provided, in addition to other matters that may trigger its (in)admissibility in court.


Issues related to how evidence is produced, to its reliability, to its chain of custody and maintenance, and to compliance with legal, constitutional and epistemic requirements, in addition to other factors that may lead to greater or lesser future probative value.


Matters related to the individual valuation of a piece of evidence and of evidence sets. Identification of evidentiary possibilities that may have been overlooked and of factors that may increase or decrease the value of pieces of evidence or of the entire set.

Decisions and appeals

Issues related to procedural rights, to evidentiary reasoning in rulings, and to Evidence Law in general, which includes how to control evidence through appeals.

Consultancy and legal practice in cases involving a considerable degree of evidentiary and procedural complexity

Our high-level training in Evidence Law combined with extensive training in procedural law means that we offer our clients and partners highly-qualified advocacy and consultancy with an emphasis on evidence and procedure to prevent and solve legal issues both in court and in arbitration, in a wide range of fields of the law where legal evidence is present.

Consultancy and legal representation for the development and review of procedural and evidentiary strategies

Consultancy and legal representation to analyze and manage individual pieces of evidence and entire sets of evidence, before and during legal proceedings, to assess quality, reliability and risks

Representing clients as a lawyer and as a consultant in expert examination production and in general evidence production, to increase quality and reliability

Representing clients as a lawyer and as a consultant in hearings and in oral arguments, in appeals or in strategic petitions, before ordinary instances, courts of justice and high courts, or providing assistance with the preparation therefor.

Evidence-based negotiation, with a track-record of preventing disputes and terminating them through agreements

Evidence is usually what defines the course of a lawsuit. But the attention given to the evidence begins long before any legal problem arises. We develop evidence-based negotiation solutions: complex negotiation techniques for judicial and extrajudicial situations, where the production of evidence is the starting point for results based on interests.

Extensive experience in complex litigation has taught us how to avoid and resolve such disputes

Analysis of individual pieces of evidence and of evidence sets before and during legal proceedings to assess quality, reliability and risks

Proven track-record of friendly resolutions upon evidence production

Participation in expert examinations and in evidence production to assist with side evidence-based negotiations, and participation in alternative methods of dispute resolution

Participation in expert examinations and evidence production as an impartial third party helping the parties seek an amicable evidence-based solution, and participation in alternative methods of dispute resolution

Who are we?

Vitor de Paula Ramos. Extensive expertise in Evidence Law and Evidentiary Reasoning, combined with a broad procedural background

Vitor é professor adjunto nos cursos de graduação, mestrado e doutorado na Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS) e, na Espanha, no principal curso de mestrado de Raciocínio Probatório (UdG). É autor de livros publicados no Brasil e no exterior e coordenador da primeira e única coleção sobre Raciocínio Probatório publicada em língua portuguesa. Possui ampla experiência de advocacia e consultoria em litígios de alta complexidade probatória, com amplo track-record de resolução amigável e prevenção de litígios.

He carried out pioneering studies on the subject in his Master's (UFRGS), in his doctorate (UFRGS and University of Girona) and in his postdoctoral studies (Northwestern University), thereby contributing to the Copernican turn that has taken place in recent years in Brazil, when more emphasis started being given to evidentiary reasoning to upgrade evidentiary and procedural law.

Atuou por quase 15 anos em um grande escritório, tendo coordenado equipe de litígios de alta complexidade e prestado consultoria para diversos colegas e escritórios a respeito de temas probatórios e processuais.  Atuou, como advogado, em inúmeros litígios de altíssima complexidade probatória e, como consultor, em parceria com outros(as) profissionais e escritórios, na parte probatória de litígios das mais diversas áreas da experiência jurídica (direito civil, direito de família, direito penal, direito do trabalho, direito do consumidor, direito previdenciário, propriedade intelectual etc.)

Vitor is a professor at PUCRS Law School, one of the most prestigious universities in Brazil, where he also teaches in their Master’s and Doctoral Programs. He is also a professor in Spain in the main Master's program in Evidentiary Reasoning. As Vitor is one of the forerunners in this field in Brazil, he is a professor and guest lecturer at several public and private institutions in Brazil and around the world. He has authored books published in Brazil and abroad, and is the coordinator of the first and only book series on Evidentiary Reasoning published in Portuguese.


De Paula Ramos Advocacia estabeleceu parceria com o escritório Rueda Abadi Pereira Consultores, uma das mais tradicionais sociedades de advogados do Uruguai, sediada em Montevideo.

Por meio desse acordo, nosso escritório atuará em parceria no Uruguai e em outros países, aliando a alta formação em direito probatório e processual do escritório à alta especialização em direito processual e à ampla experiência em litígios judiciais e arbitrais de alta complexidade do departamento de Litigación y Arbitraje coordenado por Santiago Pereira Campos. Entre os serviços estão a elaboração de estratégias de litígio judicial e arbitral, serviços de consultoria e advocacia em casos de alta complexidade probatória e processual, além de soluções negociais baseadas em provas.

A parceria, que consiste na união entre processo e raciocínio probatório, muito nos honra.

Desenvolvida pelo autor em pesquisa pós-doutoral feita na Northwestern University, Chicago, Estados Unidos, sob orientação de Ronald J. Allen, a “Prova documental” foi lançada no Brasil em 2021, tendo sido traduzida ao espanhol e tendo suas 1ª e 2ª edições esgotado. 

Agora, a obra chega à 3ª edição, com texto revisado e atualizado com novos desenvolvimentos e pensamentos sobre o tema, além de desenvolvimento dos antigos.

A obra, fruto da tese de doutorado do autor, encontra-se publicada também em espanhol, sendo apresentada pelo Prof. Dr. Daniel Mitidiero e prefaciada pelo Prof. Dr. Jordi Férrer-Beltrán. A versão em português chega, agora, à sua 4ª edição, publicada pela JusPodivm, na coleção coordenada por Vitor de Paula Ramos. 

Devidamente revisada e, principalmente, atualizada com a bibliografia e os precedentes mais recentes sobre o tema, a “Prova testemunhal” serve as mais diversas áreas do Direito, propondo uma análise crítica acerca de sua utilização, utilizando-se de conhecimentos da epistemologia e da psicologia, mas sempre voltada para os aspectos práticos e cotidianos. 

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Books in the Evidentiary Reasoning series
